- - - INDUSTRIES - - -


Organized Last Night in This City
A new factory was put on its feet in this city last night in the organization of the
Shelby Stove Company which will manufacture the gasoline stove and oven
patented by Mr. Albaugh, of Mansfield.
The directors of the company are: Mr. Albaugh, J. Currie, H. W. Hildebrant, C. E. Morris,
G. W. Deyarmon, W. W. Skiles and Dr. Love. The officers are: H. W. Hildebrant, president;
Mr. Albaugh, vice president; and J. Currie, secretary and treasurer.
The stock is owned almost exclusively in this city, and the company has made arrangements
to take the old Beecher Furnace works and add a two story brick, 50 X 150 this year. The factory
will give employment to a number of men.
The Albaugh stove and oven is an improvement on all others in that line, in that it burns
less gasoline than any other and retains more of the heat, tests showing that it will do in
20 minutes in the way of baking what it required another stove and oven an hour to do.
The stoves will be manufactured in aluminum and black enamel and will be placed on the
market as soon as possible. The stockholders are all enthusiastic over the institution and
think it will be one of Shelby's largest factories in a few years.
The Daily Globe
May 3, 1900

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