- - - INDUSTRIES - - -

Electro Novelty Company


The Daily Globe, Shelby OH – March 22, 1922
Incorporated at Columbus to Manufacture and Sell Radio Telephone Sets.
"Attorney W. D. (William Dillon) Hood went to Columbus yesterday for the purpose of filing incorporation
papers for the Electro Novelty Co., a Shelby concern which will be devoted to manufacturing and selling
electric equipment including radio telephone sets and parts therefore as well as all kinds of stamped metal
novelties, specialty machines, etc.
The plant will be in charge of George Vuille, formerly joint owner of the Shelby Machine and Tool Works and
steps have already been taken to secure equipment and start production. It is planned to start modestly, building
the business on sound economic principles governed by the exigencies of the electric and novelty supply fields.
This can be readily accomplished because standard machinery without special or expensive equipment will
be used.
Arrangements have already been completed for marketing the entire output of the company through the Radio
Sales Service Company of New York. Capital of corporationis $25,000 all common stock and a number of prom-
inent business and professional men in Shelby are interested. As soon as incorporation has been effected, the
officers and directors will be chosen. Further details of the company's progress will appear in the Globe as
they develop.
What is Radio ?
Is it a plaything or does it amount to something?
Can you really hear concerts at distant points ?
These and hundreds of other questions are being asked as the radio phone becomes more and more popular.
There is just one way to answer these questions. Everybody's plugging in - first out of curiosity. Then they find
out there is something to radio.
They keep plugging in - some for concerts, some for church services, some for lectures on popular subjects.
In fact, many women are insisting on having their homes equipped with radiophone sets in order to hear the
latest in fashion news such as: ' Fine straws and ribbons and feathers, this spring - the mode makes the
manner - slimmer and straighter, says Paris'.
The so called 'tired business man' becomes a boy once more, listening to the jokes of vaudeville artists
while sitting at his own fireside. His son stays home every evening to tinker with his set. Hundreds of
shut-ins, who have been unable to attend church services, are listening to sermons every Sunday.
It is also said in musical circles that 'jazz' has not reached the radiophone to any great extent and that
the concerts sent out from broadcasting stations are excellent. Many of the musical stars of the country
are contributing their services.
A few years ago wireless, outside of commercial circles, was considered the plaything of the small boy. Now
men and women of all ages are interested. It is pointed out that men as old as 72 (wow) are taking code
practice in addition to taking up the radiotelephone.
In two years, the distance which messages can be transmitted by radiophone has increased from 15 to 2,000
miles. Also there has sprung up a great variety in the programs being sent out nightly from various broad-
casting stations all over the country. The object of the evening programs, especially, according to experts, is
to make them educational as well as entertaining. Children's bedtime stories have grown o be features and
radio men ay that their children are not satisfied to go to bed until they have heard a story.
Several famers in Cuyahoga county have purchased equipment to enjoy the concerts and lectures it is re-
ported by Cleveland dealers. At the present time there is such a heavy call for apparatus that it is almost
impossible for Cleveland dealers to meet the demand. There has been a great increase in the membership
in the Cleveland Radio Association. The organizationat the present time is doing all it can to further
radio and officers of the organization are forced to give a large part of their time to answer questions
about radiophoney.
A short time ago, Herman P. Maxim predicted that by 1924 a speech would reach at least a million people."

* The Daily Globe, Shelby OH – March 22, 1922

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